Tuesday, July 26, 2011

~~ Tête-à-tête ~~

God and I in space alone . . .
and nobody else in view . . .

"And where are all the people, Oh Lord" I said,
"the earth below
and the sky overhead
and the dead that I once knew?"

"That was a dream," God smiled
and said, "The dream that seemed to
be true; there were no people
living or dead; there was no earth,
and no sky overhead,
there was only myself in you.”
“My child, sense the pulse and full splendor of womanhood
Anointed of grace
Sometimes wearing entrapment like adornments
Hearts full of special places
Awaiting to be filled, refilled, refined, re-defined
Aligning with the woman within
Draped in the pureness of love
Draped like universal deities on our seemingly frail, yet strong bodies”

"Then why do I feel this horrifying fear?" I asked,
"Meeting you here in this way?
For I have sinned, I know full well
and is there heaven and is there hell,
and is this the Judgment Day?"

"Nay, those were but dreams"
Inherent to our spirit, we birth songs of pain
Strengths of nations yoke us
For you are the vessel of man
Never marred
Natures' marvels, embedded in our souls
Gentle and sometimes torrent
A bird's chirp
A spring rain
The crackling bolt of lightening
The roar of thunder
Knowing that in seasons, torrents will subside
Knowing that in seasons, peace in womanhood
Will reign forever as treasured adornments.”

The Great God said, "Dreams that have ceased to be.
There are no such things as fear and sin;
there is no you . . . you never have been.
There is nothing at all... but me."

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