Friday, March 9, 2012

~~~ Roller coaster ~~~

My roller coaster to work brings happy tidings of the morning young, radiant, chaotic and blue!

It all begins with the early morning sun playing hide and seek amidst white clouds. Now I see it, now I don’t…With all its brilliance wishing me, “Good morning Sunshine!”
I hear the chirpy birds singing songs of the glorious morning to be…
Time for FM 94.3, the RJ’s wisecracks…and the yesteryear songs flow out of the box…reminiscences of happy memories…

Looking out at life’s window I see…
The everlasting array of vehicles passing by honking, with that mocking smile saying, “Get some velocity in your life girl. Even a snail would win the race against your pace. Now, let me get ahead of you!”

The men in khaki clearing the traffic clutter looking resplendent in their crisp dress code. My fellow beings moving to and fro, all in a tearing hurry to reach their destinations far and near. Little children hopping and skipping with huge bundles of knowledge on their backs…

The clean agents who keep our city spic and span working with gay abandon. The flying machine that pass overhead exactly at the same time every day, wishes me a Happy Morning! The fresh scent of flowers sold by the little girls at the traffic signals. The bells that chimes at every place of worship…

The birds of every kind and hue who call out to me atop trees, bridges and cables high. The quiet pigeons all perched in a single row on the huge hoardings alongside the huge mall. The proud eagle and the kite and the humble kingfisher, the doves, the crows and the sparrows all lined up for their morning parade…

Soon out of the blue, I meet the mighty God of Strength who nods his head as I pass by wishing me “Make it your day, child”! As I pass them all, I sense, they are all letting me in on their little secrets…
Happy People
Heady Preface
Happening Place
Harmony Planet
Hoist Performance
Happiness Persists

Technology has made our life so fast and full that we don’t have time for ourselves and friends and relatives. We have lost our peace of mind. We are surrounded by technology from the time we wake up till we sleep. It is eating our human nature and our real life values.

“Wow! Where am I?” I reflect for a while! “Is it a Harmony Planet?”

My recruiter had confirmed,” Yes, it’s a Harmony Planet.”

On life and its ways, who says I am lonely amidst the concrete jungle…
Underneath and unexplored. Islands and cities I have looked. Here I saw. Something I couldn’t overlook.
I love this joyride to work every day or should I say roller coaster...!

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