Friday, March 9, 2012

~~~ Recollections ~~~

Last Monday, sitting alone in my room, flipping through some of the old pictures of my college life and cherishing the memories of past, I realized that those kids in the pictures have grown up. The sense of responsibility, maturity, and seriousness towards career has taken the place of jerkiness and childish attitude.

A tear rolled down my eyes when a ray of thoughts of the craziest moments of college life ran through my mind, and made me gulp down the fact that now life has changed from:

Casuals to formals
Chai from a local chaiwala in terracotta cups to coffee vending machines
Open air canteens to office cafeterias
Friends to colleagues
Hangouts to team outings
Red wine to scotch
Pocket money to salary
Hostel rooms to shared rented flats
Canvas to stilettos
Notes to presentations
Classrooms to cubicles
Time pass to scrums

Well, out of all the crazy moments of my life, I think the craziest of all was my first date… had an awesome time… it was cute, sweet, thrilling, stupid and crazy… but a memory for lifetime…

Today, spare two minutes from your busy schedule, rewind your life, think, and share the craziest moments of your life… I am sure some will have tears in their eyes… tears of happiness, realizing that “It’s over, but it was worth it” and will smile thinking… “Did I actually do that…?”

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