Thursday, June 30, 2011

~~ Imperfection ~~

Fate controls who walks into your life,
But you decide who to stay,
Who you let walk out,
And who you refuse to let go.

She will chase you around for a while;
But there’s going to be a day
When she’s going to stop running in circles
Around you she’s going to get over you
And at the moment
You’re going to wish you had let her catch you…
It is then your victory…

Am I perfect for you yet?
I change myself for you to like everything I fake to be
And in the end you are still telling me I'm not the one for you
Am I perfect for anyone...?
Or I’m not the person someone could love?
Am I perfect for you yet, I do anything you ask for
Am I perfect for you yet, I give you everything I have
I don't think I will ever be perfect for any man
In the end they always say "You are not perfect,
And you are not the one for me..."

Fall in love or descend in hate
Get inspired or be depressed
Ace test or flunk a class
Make babies or make art
Speak the truth or lie and cheat
Dance on tables or sit gloomy in the corner
Life is divine chaos… just embrace it
Forgive yourself…
Breathe and enjoy the ride……..DREAM

Now I discern….
I am strong because I know I am weak somewhere
I am beautiful because I know my flaws
I am a lover because I am a pugilist
I am fearless because I had known terror
I am wise because I have been foolish
And I can laugh because I’ve known sadness
Being happy doesn’t mean everything perfect
It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections
After all… it’s time and not destiny who will decide who is perfect….
I am not perfect and I acknowledge that…..

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