Saturday, January 22, 2011

~~ My only wish ~~

Tonight as I lay bed
thoughts of you pop into my head
And I wish I had one wish
that it would not be you I miss.

But still I lay here in a daze
thinking of you in so many ways
thinking of our last day together
wishing that it could've been better

wishing I could've shown you how I feel
show you that what we had was real
for that one moment I would cherish forever
I wish that now we were together

I wish that it was you beside me
but still its you that sets me free
without you I feel short of place
everywhere I look I see your face

I miss you so much, I want you here
please understand I need you dear
don't leave me here all alone
please pick me up and take me home
For I love you….

But still I lay here in a daze
thinking of you in so many ways
thinking of our last day together
wishing that I could've made it better
Wishing that I could've shown you how I feel
show you that ….. all we had was real….

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