Saturday, January 15, 2011

~~ If you must know ~~

If you must know...
There’s rarely been a moment,
Where my slender hopes have not been met,
With an ambition, stunningly audacious
That comes from dawning that you're here.
And you shall forever be.
We swap places when life makes us.
You're the sturdy one sometimes,
And I am, in others.

If you must know.
When we fetch each other light,
I think to myself, and agree
I'd rather bask in a tomfoolery
And think utopia exists.
Then I see you smile and conclude,
With clarity I rarely have,
I'd rather not do it any other way,
But to hang on to you.
Forever and beyond….
If at all….you must know.

1 comment:

Siddhartha said... have a way with words that's enchanting and intoxicating...This poem exudes a warmth and romance that's rarely evoked and still rarely felt...Beautiful...Simply beautiful...