Saturday, October 11, 2008

**Let me be your Hero**

Sometimes the things you cannot change but end up changing you. Initially you don’t even hear it coming, then you watch it happen against the backdrop of your disbelief and sirens. You then cast yourself as a renege, hide in the closet and walk down the path of realisation, holding the fingers of destiny. Hope being your only coast to sigh.

As time dusts way your coloured whims, you see truth and accept it the way it is. You begin taking things for what they are and as they are meant to be. And at that point, when you wonder of your possessions in this bland harrowed world, you begin getting it all. That all you really own to keep, is the air you breathe. For it’s yours to keep it inside. Hidden away from the clutches of ratiocinate.

You ride onto the boat. Do your job. Come back home. Everyday. Coz at the end of the day, what matters is, you did what you could and you know what you've done. "

Some seek solace in God. Think He'll answer their questions. But I say, He was the one who made me almost an atheist. Yeah almost, not quite, for I fear for my kith and kin. Yet I shall never ask Him. Not because I know my answers. But for the fact, that I know not who He is and neither do I care.

You ask me queries, and expect I know it all. Do you understand how it feels, when I don’t have the answers? No, I will never show it to you. Let me be the hero that I am in your eyes. Let me be the filch of our broken songs, songs that I shall whisper into your sleepy ears. Let me be the cures of a long lost dream, that tread our ways only when we are fast asleep.

And let life be meant to be lived, not survived. Coz when your time ends and you look back at your life; I want you to know that you lived it, not survived.

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