Tuesday, January 3, 2012

~~~ No Time for Talk ~~~

I tried to tell you how it was,
How I was starting to fall out of love.
But, you never listened to me.

I tried to tell you that I noticed you were
Breaking away from my embrace.
I noticed that you stayed out a little longer each night.

I noticed we stopped having dinner together.
You went on more out of town business trips,
But no extra money came into the house.

I tried to talk to you about it,
But you always said I was out of pocket,
That it wasn’t like that.

I guess you were happy in your new world.
You didn’t need me bringing you down because,
You had someone else who was exciting your world.
I was turned into your slacker.

But don’t ever think I never knew.
I never had to go to Cheaters, because
I already knew we fell apart.

Then, I fell out of love,
Because you never listened to me
And now, we are done.

I am gone....

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