Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Yet another first time....

No matter how confident we are. No matter how much we have seen in life. Still whenever it is something that is happening for the first time in our life, it leaves butterflies in our stomach. We get nervous. Another first time event is awaiting me and I am nervous. Shit Nervous. Dead Nervous. But it is still a very nice feeling. Strange but nice.

Don't ask me what is this event. It could be anything. And while I am writing this, there is another thing on my mind. Call it a thought, a cloud of emotions or just a bubble.

With million smiles spread across my face,
I yet have a few pores open,
though covered with the sands of time,
but still hurt when touched or paid heed to.
A broken guitar is hidden,
somewhere in the dark corners of my heart,
and whenever a chord is struck,
even if unknowingly,
it hitherto plays a sad note.
Leaves an empty feeling,
sort of being hollow inside,
even if it lasts for seconds few.
Stitches no matter how old,
still leave a mark,
though completely faded,
the sense of that pain remains,
when brushed lightly with a soft touch.

I want peace that lasts forever,
and a healing that makes me feel free,
and doesnt remind me of my scars that were.
I want 'me' like how I was,
when I was not how I am.

P.S. Got any opinion about any first time event of your life? Why don't you share it with me in the comments section? As in, how did you overcome your initial nervousness and once through with the event how proud did you feel about yourselves.

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