Saturday, August 22, 2009

~~ Insight ~~

When I sleep at night I think of you,
Wondering if you think of me too.
When I’m dreaming I dream of you,
I dream of how good it is to be with you.
I see your eyes, your lips, your cheeks.
Your eyes so beautiful and lips so sweet.
The things I miss when I'm not with you
Is the way we kiss and how we cuddle too.
I hope you see what this poem means,
Remember this is what you mean to me.

~~ You make me complete ~~

I still feel the warmth
Of your body on mine
When I am with you
I feel this unbreakable bind
Your wonderful eyes
No matter what point
Of the day I still miss
Your everlasting love
And your gentle kiss
Anything I think of
Reminds me of you

How you’ll love me forever
And always be true
I want to kiss you
And to make you smile
I want for you to be happy
And to cuddle a while
I want you to hold me
And to cradle me with care
To tell me you love me
And you’ll always be there…

I don’t only want you
I need you so much
I need to feel
Your gentle touch
You make me smile
When I’m sad
You help me through
All the bad
You’re my other half
You complete my soul
You are my life
And you make me whole!
You make me feel special,
You make me feel new,
You make me feel loved,
With everything you do.

You hold me close when I am sad.
You wipe the tears from my face.
Every time we are together,
It seems like the perfect place.

My eyes light up when you enter a room.
I smile when we are together.
No matter how bad things are,
You always make them better.

I love the way you kiss me,
The way you hold me tight.
I love the way you touch me,
I could be with you all night.

I love the way you can make me laugh
For absolutely no reason at all.
I love how no matter what I do,
You will be there to catch me when I fall.
You make me happy
You make the wind seem so silent
You make me feel complete.
You make everything feel so great....

I just want you to know,
That even though we sometimes fight,
I will always love you!
No matter or night.

~~ For the first time ~~

For the first time in my life I'm starting to feel good inside. I met this guy. He's helping me to say good-bye to all the pain I'm kept inside. What he does to me, I can't explain. When he holds me tight, he makes everything alright.

I can hear him whisper in my ear, "It's okay, have no fear, I'm right here. I'll never leave, I'll stay by your side. Tell me your secrets, let it all go."

I'm starting to see that my life's okay. Everything's gonna be just fine as long as I don't run and hide. He's helping me to find answers to questions I've had for so long.

Finally! I'm happy. What once seemed so distant now sits in the palm of my hand. I've thrown my pain into the trash. I'm flying high on my angel's wings. I wish all this were not just a dream........!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


I never walked at night
But once.
The moon full.
The sea leaped crazy.

As if from some hourglass this beach
Slipped past last night, the wind
Returning empty, its sand
Laying motionless among the hours, one
More joyous than another, one more caring
One flying between these gulls
And even you are lonely

Walk between the first snowfall –the air
Must sense the sea it once was
–at the slightest calm
Will change into clouds, into your sleep
–for hours into the slow dark
The way some movie will begin again
And the actors lean over to kiss
Almost falling from the screen -one hour

Always whiter than another, one weaker
One on fire and you let the sand
Flow over your fingers
As if once there were l2
Or 24 or someone you love
Falling like water to measure the Earth
The silence and into your lips the hours.

To relive the moment, hold on to this time
High and steady in your mind,
Diamond hard and
Patient as that palm.

~~ SNOW ~~

Let us speak of love and weather
Subtracting nothing.
Let us put your mother and my father
Your father and my mother,
Away for a while.

Let us watch
From our bedroom window how a slow
Falling snow crowns
All nakedness in ermine.
Do not look at me yet. My face is flushed,
Your eyes too love-soaked, too hazel.
Outside is white on black
And still…..
The sky, deaf with stillness.

Don’t let it frighten you.
Hush. There’s time enough for that.
Be content for now to watch the maples
Fill with snow, how they spread themselves,
Each naked limb making itself accessible.

I loved you then in the old way of longing.
Another winter trying to duplicate ours.
Do you still long for me? The rest all is gibberish.

I recognize or recall—the old hollows,

the way our flesh must have waked and curved to each other,
how sinews of your shoulder were attached to carve out
the place I lay my head.

This is about....
what happens to what you can’t remember
because the mind’s job is to save your life—
cauterizing, cutting it out.
What’s gone is forced to wander
the brain looking for the warm spot,
the open-arms, embrace where it used to live.
Dropping echoes like desperate pebbles in
their wake, having nothing but a voiceless
tongue of dried leather, all frenzy and wag.

All given to sadness amid great stirrings,
for you were rocked to sleep in the knowledge
of loss and saw in the reflection outside your window,
beyond the bars of your reach,
your own face beckoning from the burning promise that
Little by little disappeared.

What can I give you
for your birthday this year,
you who are the match and the flaming jewel,
whose birthright consumes itself
in the face of your desire?

If you were here with me now
walking down this day’s death,
I would try to show you two things:
How the last light plays itself out over the horizon,
over the wild cherry heavy with fruit,
as if comfort lay in what it had made.
And how that black bird
with flame at his shoulders
teeters for balance on a swaying weed.

~~ Rotten Apples ~~

It is only wise to be with people you love
To share in, part of your life, it pleases the soul,
It will please the soul more staying close to them,
For the soul wishes it is long and longs for it.

I have perceived this to be true, true enough,
To be surrounded by breathing and laughing flesh
That holds me as enough, to be who I am.
Yet so often we choice less, and less we get.

There is nothing greater than touch, and the soft call
Of someone’s name. I've known so many curved necks
Folks, who listen and hope, pause and joke, freely
Bring depression onto others with their gutters.

It is the knees, the joints that convey curiously
And make a man or woman stay, with a rotten
Apple, as if it was duty-thus passes the days,
And more and more days, until you're dead.

The body knows when it has had enough, enough
Corruptness, defilement; it expresses the accounts,
On the face, in the heart, in the limbs, hips and wrists,
In the walk, in the knees, it bends one like string.

It's all in the rotten apples, I hope you know, the rotten
Apples you chose to be with, love, live, grow, and endure.
You see, quality does not strike even through the sweet talk,
The string, it gives the souls of another perfect harmony-

It just doesn't render to them, their wills, for long; if one does
It is her or she, whom become the sick ones, the beguile
Like a thesaurus digested- words vomited on paper.
Slimy, smelly, slippery unassimilated and meaningless.